Full House Supper Club

Raw Food Supper Club, with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Reaching the end of our series of Raw Food Suppers, we were approached by KEO films to film an evening with Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall where my chefs at the supper club would teach him how to make raw food dishes, then he would then have dinner with the guests in the evening.

It would form part of the last episode of Hugh’s Veg TV series.

At first I thought, oh well, it will probably fall through, but lo and behold last night, we did indeed host a raw food supper dinner with Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall! It was a great day where Hugh was taught by my two wonderful vegan chefs Laura Coxeter and Chris Massamba, how to make raw chocolate cake and also how to make raw kale crisps. Hugh was charming.

The evening booked up really quickly, as diners scrambled to get tickets at the table. Below you can see Hugh chatting to all our guests. It was a surreal but enjoyable evening!

I wonder whether raw food will really take off in the way that it has in the States. The British weather can’t help I am sure, but the level of education and understanding for food nutrition is so low in this country that I wonder whether we would care enough about our health to adapt to this more challenging but far more nutritious way of feeding ourselves. I am going to blog a lot more about raw food, a food trend that is increasingly becoming something I am interested in! If only the British weather would agree!

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