Food Culture & Travel

Green Tea themed Cafe: Nana’s Green Tea, Tokyo

On a rather hung over-morning, after far too much Shochu, my friend K and I drowned out last night’s karaoke flashbacks by heading to Nana’s Green Tea.

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Nana’s Green Tea is a relatively new chain of cafes that sell donburi (rice bowls) and noodles in an elegant simple environment, perfect for ladies that lunch. My friend explains that ramen bars on the Tokyo streets are really the domain of the clumsy, messy salarymen who just want to quickly slurp a bowl of soup and be on his way ASAP.

So cafes like Nana’s Green Tea have popped up to cater for the ladies that lunch…slowly with friends!

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Don’t you just love their uniforms?

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Their menu is made up of first, green tea hot and cold drinks in tens of different flavour combinations, followed by ice cream sundaes that feature their signature matcha. These can all be accompanied with bowls of rice and noodles with different toppings.

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When I am feeling fragile , only rice will do.

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I had rice topped with a poached egg and some greens drizzled in a light dashi soy sauce. This was accompanied with a miso soup with gluten rings, and a hot matcha latte. I felt a lot better after hoovering this down!

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K had a cold noodle soup with salmon and some shredded green vegetables. Virtuous!


The Green Tea Raw Chocolate Sundae.

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From the bottom up, we have green tea kanten jellies, then whipped cream, then what tasted like wholemeal cornflakes, more cream, then matcha green tea icecream, raw green tea chocolate squares (which had a bitter sweet taste and fudge-like consistency), and last but not least….more cream.

This finished us off nicely, before we headed off for…dinner.

I don’t think anyone ever goes hungry for long in Tokyo.

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