Food Culture & Travel

Muji does Food

Muji in the UK is my go-to-place for simple clothing, great stationary and really functional homewares for small flats like mine in London. So when I walked into Muji in Tokyo, I was delighted to find so much FOOD!

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Rows and rows of their food ranged from ‘must-haves’ to ‘what-on-earth-is-that’?

All wrapped in Muji’s signature minimalist packaging.

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Spaghetti Carbonara sauce? Butter Chicken Sauce?

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I love the simplicity of these drinks bottles… almost medicinal..

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So many snacks – mangos, crisps, turnips, dates, seaweed, rice crackers, nuts… how could the Japanese ever get hungry?

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Ready-mixes for everything from cheesecakes to mango jellies to tiramisu….As a baker, I don’t think even I would be ashamed to have a couple of these pretty packs  in my cupboard! Betty Crocker could learn a thing or two here…

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Weighed down by shopping, I needed a simple shopper to carry my purchases.

Muji, of course had the perfect solution – for just 200 yen (£1.30!), you get a completely plain A3 canvas bag that you can stamp on whatever you like. Bargain, stylish and personalised so that it is the only one in the world – perfect!


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