
Your Zone of Blissful Productivity

Following a bumpy couple of weeks where inspiration has been at an all-time low, I have decided it is time to re-vamp my work space at home.

formica tablewhite and pink formica

In a light airy room in London’s Kentish Town, there is plenty of warmth and chatter of children playing filtering through my looking-glass windows. I  have 2 items:  a pink formica table that I bought from a wonderful vintage furniture shop Le Grenier on Bethnal Green Road a few years ago and a formica chair that I found outside a skip near Kentish Town Tube Station (!)

I rushed to move into this flat, with little thought of spending much time in it. I had commitments outside of London so I really only saw this space as a dumping ground for paperwork and a temporary hot-desk between train journeys. But now in the cold light of day, I realise how much I have neglected my personal space.

It is time for a change.

I realise now how important it is to take pride in your workspace. To make it your own. For it to be a zone of both blissful escapism and productivity.

To get this series going, I am looking at inspiring workspaces that are easy to put together. Click on the picture for its source.

WORDS OF INSPIRATION should be around you, for when your mind wanders…

Room 1

words 3Be open to whatever comes nextworkspace

Mood boards are great for keeping your mind alive with all that is new, inspiring and relevant to your life . Here are some great ideas that I found for pinning up the things you love:

An old set of bed springs…

Bed springs

The wall itself is used as a mood board and storage…

wall as mood board

Bulldog clips make for great, simple and sturdy pins for this wall of inspiration…

(also love the neon + grey combo!)

bulldog 2

Clip Boards

And I love this! An unruly branch is transformed into a sturdy pole for hooking on your essentials. Adds a lovely sense of nature to your digital space.

twig and hooks

So that’s my first burst of inspiration in a long time! Stay tuned to see how I will be transform my poor little workspace into a complete zone of peace and productivity!

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