Food in Film

The Spaghetti Scene in Eat, Pray, Love

Although I am actually not a fan of the film as a whole – mainly because I watched it during a break up, (and P.S.  it really is NOT The film to watch during such times), I still really love this scene when Julia Roberts slurps up an entire plate of spaghetti.


Spaghetti has got to be on my list of ‘last supper’ dishes; so simple and yet so comforting. When made with fresh ingredients, nothing can beat it. This scene is wonderful because she is totally concentrating on the amazing flavour and experience of eating the spaghetti. She does not stop to talk or to read or anything that would distract from her lunch –  She is just completely at one with her pasta.

Sometimes, when you are super busy, and you just want to eat quickly and get back to what you are doing, think of this scene. To stop and take a break, to focus on the pure pleasure of eating.

2 thoughts on “The Spaghetti Scene in Eat, Pray, Love

  1. This was my favorite scene from the movie. Reminds me of when I am eating pesto pasta, I just block out everything else and concentrate on the flavors. Great post!

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