Food Culture & Travel

Writing for Asia Eater Magazine

Asia Eater Cover

I recently received my copy of the beautifully produced food magazine Asia Eater. As a lover of all Asian food, this was right up my street!

As the publishing world goes digital, I am afraid I still like my magazines heavy, thick and curled up with me on the sofa. Magazines I cannot live without include Monocle (global affairs and loads on design), Vogue (a habit that I cannot shake)  Restaurant Magazine (for all the new industry gossip), Psychologies (guilty pleasure hit of self-help + motivation!)and a couple of quarterly food publications including Gastronomica, Sweet Paul and now, Asia Eater too!


Beautifully published photo journals, in-depth interviews and articles on food history and culture cover the pages of this dinky magazine, which is neatly printed on thick, textured paper. This first issue even came with a pair of branded chopsticks – handy!


I am most excited by the recipes section – dishes like Green Tea Creme Brulee and Pandan Tiramisu are inspiring modern Asian cooking.

In the next issue, one of my recipes will be featured, so watch this space!

To read a copy of Asia Eater, go to their website and subscribe to be sent your copy. It is also available in bookstores and news stands throughout Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and New Zealand as well as in select locations in Europe, the UK and USA. All subscriber copies are sent via airmail direct from Singapore. Asia Eater is also available as a digital edition.

7 thoughts on “Writing for Asia Eater Magazine

  1. First of all I had no idea that kind of magazine exists! Second is congratulations, show off when it’s released 🙂

      • oh, you misunderstand! my husband is from Hong Kong but he studied in USA and got a work here so for now I’m forced to stay with him here 😦 but I hope work experience, studies and government exam he takes in december will let us live in HK as soon as possible 🙂 I went there for few months but foreign experience will be great for working there 🙂 if there’s a chance to get that magazine in USA I will get it just for your recipe 🙂

      • Oh! I see! I had no idea – your writing is so accurate and relevant, I always thought that you must be in HK! I really hope you go there soon, one day to live 🙂 x

      • only few months, but my life is connected to Chinese Overseas community, restaurants etc. that it might be tricky! 🙂 so if I can I will look around for that magazine 🙂

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