
Hello, Bonnie here. Thanks for stopping by.

Panda (Large)

This is a personal blog featuring recipes and writing on various aspects of food culture including film, art and travel. As a Londoner, I also write about interesting stuff happening in this tasty City as well as the talented people behind the grub. I love travel and many of my posts here are about my adventures outside of London too.

Nagano room 1 (Large)

In my (marginally more) serious life, I am the founder of Miso Tasty, a food brand that celebrates the ancient superfood  MISO! We are launching in the next few months, and if you want to know how that is going, take a look at my other blog Making Miso Tasty. 


My background has almost always been in food. I grew up in restaurant with my family, and have worked in food for almost 8 years now either as a chef, or in consulting roles to food start-ups.

Miso Tasty Filming 2

I am a founding member of Les Dames D’Escoffier, a member of the Courvoisier Future 500 and am a mentor at Virgin Media Pioneers. Trained at Le Cordon Bleu but with a huge love for Asian food especially Japanese and regional Chinese cuisine, I don’t think there is much to my life outside of food, sad as that sounds! It does however stand me in good stead to write this blog. So there you go! Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to reading your comments!

Bonnie x

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